The Hawker 400XP replaced the Beechjet 400A starting with serial number RK-354. The aircraft offers an increased gross weight and several standard features that were optional on the Beechjet 400A. The\is Raytheon Beechjet traces its origin back to the Mitsubishi Diamond 2 bizjet, which Beechcraft acquired the design and production rights to in the mid 1980s. Beech re-engined the Diamond 2 with P&WC JT15D5 turbofans, developed a new interior, and incorporated a number of other minor refinements.
Join Captain Ed Thrayes as he recounts the history of the company whose jets he has been flying for over 25 years. Learn more about early Gulfstreams including model GI and GII
After the creation of their original aircraft, the company would press the limits of private aviation. Captain Thrayes continues to speak about major developments leading to the GIII and GIV
Learn the recent history and how the current model Gulfstreams were created. This includes the GV , Hawker 400xp, and new insider infomation on next generation aircraft!