The Hawker 800xp did extremely well in its early days. It did so by targeting pilots. It made them want to fly it with advanced avionics and extra flight deck space. This added to a superb cockpit experience.
Avionics: Safe Flight angle of attack indicator, dual ADZ-810 air data computers, dual AV-850A cockpit audio systems, cabin paging & passenger briefing system, dual Davtron clocks
Join Captain Ed Thrayes as he recounts the history of the company whose jets he has been flying for over 25 years. Learn more about early Gulfstreams including model GI and GII
After the creation of their original aircraft, the company would press the limits of private aviation. Captain Thrayes continues to speak about major developments leading to the GIII and GIV
Learn the recent history and how the current model Gulfstreams were created. This includes the GV , Hawker 800xp, and new insider infomation on next generation aircraft!